A school trip can be one of the most rewarding things that you do with your class, but it can also be a worry if you don’t have all the information you need. We have compiled some information that will hopefully help you organise and run your trip effectively, however if you need any further information please contact a member of our education team.
The coach park is located on the right shortly after the entrance and is located directly adjacent to the entrance plaza. Mini busses are also welcome to park in the coach park. During busy periods we will be unable to park every coach adjacent to the plaza however every effort will be made to park coaches as close to the entrance as possible.
You can either have tickets sent to your school or you can collect them upon arrival. We will only send tickets after payment has been made and then only if we are confident that they will arrive in time for your trip. Tickets can be collected from the ‘pre booked tickets’ window, or follow any additional signage. A school ID will be required to collect your tickets.
Your security is very important to us and we do try to be as discreet as possible to allow your school to have an amazing day. However we do operate a random bag search on entry, in order to minimise delays on entry, please advise your students to have their bags open and ready to be searched immediately after the turnstiles.
Registering Your School
It is important to register your arrival with us along with up to date, on the day contact information. To do this you can either print out the registration form and post it through the schools post box in the Box Office, or collect and complete a form on arrival with a member of staff in the Box Office.
Meeting Points
It is important for you to arrange a suitable meeting point for the end of your day. In order to help we recommend that you choose a meeting point a little distance from the turnstiles as this can get very busy and make head counts/registers very challenging at the end of the day. The best area to meet your school is at the bottom of Towers Street or on the lawns. During busy periods we will erect flags to help you select a suitable meeting point.
Discounted Schools Fastracks are available in advance when you book your trip, however School Fastracks can also be bought by any pupil (with a schools ticket) on the day subject to availability. These are available from the box office.
Medical Provision
Our medical centre is located next to the Skyride station at the bottom of Towers Street. If necessary please make us aware of any relevant medical requirements in advance of your visit. We can keep specialist medication for your while you visit the park. If there is a medical emergency whilst you are visiting us you can either inform any member of staff who will inform our medical first responders and/or first aiders as appropriate, or if it is an emergency you can dial 999 and the emergency services will contact our medical team.
Eating At The Resort
We offer a selection of food and beverage options which can be browsed on the website or on the park map. However if you have bought packed lunches we may be able to store them for you, please enquire at the Resort Box Office.
Leaving the Resort
As you gather together at the end of your day please you may find it useful to remind your pupils that and queue line can be exited at any point and it talks a maximum of 15 minutes to reach the entrance from any point around the park on foot. If you are missing a member of your group our staff have a process in place to help locate any members of your group who don’t arrive on time.
Find out more about planning your school trip

SEND Provision
To ensure every member of your group has an amazing day we offer a range of support for students with SEND
Find out more