Spinball Whizzer

The Spinball Whizzer
Transform yourself into a pinball in this head-spinning, body-buffeting experience! Whizzing along at up to 60kph, you’re swivelling 360 degrees all at the same time – and the more family you have riding with you, the more your car will twist around, making every ride completely different! This is 470 exhilarating metres of unforgettable, full-on family fun.
Theme Park Top Tip: Ride Spinball Whizzer later in the day, after the initial rush has died down.
Fun for all ages
Spinball Whizzer is a family favourite amongst all the rides and attractions at Alton Towers Resort. First-timers and thrill seekers alike enjoy the unpredictable spins and speed of the winding track. This family theme park ride is a perfect gateway for first timers to experience a thrill ride sensation.
Tick, tick, tick up the chain hill lift before being let loose on the spinning rollercoaster.
You may not know which way is up and which way is down inside this super spinball machine.

Spinball Whizzer Timeline
Spinball Whizzer has been a popular family favourite and alternative thrill ride for over 15 years!
2004: Spinball Whizzer was built by Maurer Sohne, German ride manufacturing experts famous for their spinning rollercoasters.
2010: The track turned bright red as Spinball Whizzer was temporarily rebranded.
2016: Spinball Whizzer returned to its classic theme, inviting riders to enter into a classic arcade game!
Ride Stats
- Location: Adventure Land
- Maximum Height: 17m
- Top speed: 60kph
- G-Force: +3G
- Track Length: 470m
- Duration: 1:15
- Capacity: 950 riders per hour
- Can you ride?
You must be at least 1.2m tall to ride.
Spinball Whizzer is great fun and a family coaster that the park absolutely needs. The perfect ride to give inexperienced riders the confidence to tackle the bigger rides at the park or just give the family something they can do together.